Digital Transformation


Digital transformation is the overall transformation of the work environment or activities that are aimed to leverage opportunities created by digital technologies and data. It represents an immense opportunity to create value for both industry and society.

One aspect that is very popular is the “paperless” concept which has affected both individuals and whole segments of society. At present digital transformation has a lot of misconceptions that are obscuring the path to realizing its potential for value creation. Digital transformation has become crucial to a business’s success

Customers have a larger voice than ever before. A negative feedback of a customer can damage an organisations reputation through reviews, blogs or social media. Digital transformation is really about shifting the customers attitude and adapting to that behaviour.

How much does it cost
for you

The cost depends on the key drivers of digital transformation.


Is digital transformation different from ERP?

Digital transformation aim at bringing in new developments and technology into the business processes. ERP involves upgrading the existing outdated back office system. ERP can coexist with digital transformation but they differ in nature.

How to prepare teams for digital transformation?

It is important to prepare the teams in terms of their skills. A digital specialist can help prepare the team in building up their skills and adapting to the changing work environment and embracing the digital transformation.

How do I know that digital transformation is good for my company?

If your business key factor is growing, then digital transformation is good for your company. It is also good if you are trying to go ahead of your competitors and also provide a more efficient and smooth work environment.

What is the process

  • Assessment:

    The first step is to assess the current work environment of the company. What are the company’s goals and objectives? What are the vision of the company? All should be defined and identified before starting the digitization process.

  • Right technology:

    The next step is to choose the right technology that would fit into the budget of the company. The budget must also include the training costs of the employees, the technology itself and the support costs. To choose the right technology requires good, detailed research and judgement as it involves an entire company.

  • Training:

    The employees need to be trained on how to use the technology and adapt to the changing environment. There should be a smooth transition from the traditional work environment to a digitally transformed work environment.

How does it work

Tools and processes:

The right tool and process need to be identified to replace the existing solutions. Collaboration is an important factor, collaboration between teams can help improve and get better outcomes.


The work culture of the business environment needs to be transformed or shifted to digital. A digital culture will bring in faster and efficient work and also increase the profits.